Thursday, November 19, 2009

Love, beauty and the Crone Goddess

Many of my gorgeous female friends are aged fifty or over and have a wonderful humour about themselves as they age ever so gracefully. So, this little poem is an ode to them all, and to my future. With love and humour I honour the Crone Goddess:

Bingo wings
Hairy lips,
Muffin tops
And wobbly hips.

Varicose veins
Grey hair dyed,
Take my pills
Cholesterol's high.

Bladder's weak
Eyesight's bad,
Moles all checked
So I am glad.

My body's sagged
But I'm up high
Cos my sanity
is on the fly!......WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!

Hugs to you all.