Sunday, October 11, 2009

Journalling with Poetry

Welcome to my first ever blog. I'm Dayle Morrison, a "Crafty Creatrix" from way back.

I thought I'd start with one of my poems. I've started writing them as a way to journal about my life. This first poem is one I wrote about the neighbour's dogs barking. Over the road are two dogs that bark a lot! They were driving me crazy, as I was doing lots of work at home with looming deadlines. Basically, I took the 'lemons' and turned them into lemonade. Here it is...

The Soprano & the Baritone
The song of one & many,
Is sung unto the world,
As the sun & moon they dance around the singers.
Soprano takes the stage,
And sings a soulful sort of song,
Her worldliness admired amongst beginners.
She eyes across the airy space,
A lovely baritone,
His look is of a well groomed dignitary.
He sings to answer her sweet call,
Her call of 'will you join me?',
The glance they share is only momentary.
She lifts her head, he raises his,
They aim to outer space,
A harmony to clear the sultry air.
And in this tune their souls are one,
They rise and fall together,
To tell the world that they are everywhere.

So, there you go. I turned two annoying dogs into a delicate little poem. Creativity can be a powerful tool for overcoming stress. It can make you laugh, distract you, comfort you, and embrace you as you escape from life's stresses. Life's still there, but it feels a lot further away for a while.


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