Thursday, February 18, 2010

The "iKerfuffle"

I have taken on a new challenge: Find as many ways to use the "iPod", "iPad" "iWhatever" style of label wording into a more interesting realm OUTSIDE of modern technology.

I first started with "iWrite" ....Nope, computers can write. Not sure about writing styles, such as our personal signatures, or whether they can 'learn' to write as a process, like most of us do as children.

What about "iLove"....hmmmm, that's a good one. No interfering technology here. We may love our technology back?

"iFeel"? I wonder if there's some smarty pants robot out there that can read faces and show assumed empathy in an expressed reaction of some sort. For example: Person to computer: "iLove that I can store so many photos on my computer". Computer to person: Automated response using "iFeel" command - Giant Smiley Face icon on screen and computer voice stating 'Thank You', generated by voice recognition software that detected use of 'I', 'love' and 'computer' in one sentence.

Then I extended my search further: "iCry".... This one's interesting as there's the mechanics of crying or simulated crying with some sort of technology, then there's how we feel that brings us to crying and THAT can't be replicated by a robot. Well I hope not.

"iGrow". Nah, technology can't grow on its own - yet! It needs people to increase it's abilities.

"iBreathe" is a lovely one.... Taking a big, cleansing deep breath is so wonderful and rejuvenating. Our own personal quick reboot where we can breathe in the strength we need to move forward, and breathe out the bad energies that our weighing us down.

But my favourite so far is "iNurture". Self nurture - your health, ideas, personal growth. And the nurture of others - people, animals, nature.

And on a lighter side, if you're wondering why I wrote "iKerfuffle" in the subject line, it's because Kerfuffle is such a great word!!! It means a predicament, or to-do, but for the quirky amongst us it may also refer to when you cough and fart at the same time!!! Now, there's no way a computer or other machine can do that!!!

When life gets too technical, consider claiming simplicity, and your own varied pace through life, back from the jaws of technology. It can be a truly liberating experience.

Love and hugs,

1 comment:

  1. I love the "iNurture". As you know, I'm a great fan of Cheryl Richardson's concept of "Extreme Self Care".


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