Tuesday, June 01, 2010

A Hundred Yaks???

Okay, I have good hearing but on a vague occasion I can seriously miss what someone is saying to me. I recently flew to Melbourne (Australia) to spend a couple of weeks with my darling family. I decided to double check my cabin luggage was all okay security-wise, particularly considering I had crochet hooks in there and didn't want to get anything confiscated.

I got through the security check okay but couldn't see how to get back out to my husband, patiently waiting near the check in point with the rest of my luggage. I asked one security guard where I should go to get back out of the secured area: 'Oh, down a hundred yaks' he said, pointing to his right. 'Umm, ooookay' I said, confused look on my face, and continued on in that direction. I was baffled. I'd heard people say something was 'a hundred clicks' down the road when referring to kilometres in a 'Hey I'm local - I'll point you in the right direction' kinda way. But this was ridiculous! What is a Yak??? No, I know what a yak is, but what's the distance??? Huh?? It could be metres I guess. Anyway....

I gave in out of confusion and asked another security guard I happened to see. And would you believe it, he said the same darn thing!! He pointed to his right and said "Awww, down a hundred yaks". Oh yeah, I was completely weirded out. I mean, I'd driven to the nearest airport which happens to be in the next state (Queensland) but surely this couldn't be some local dialect.

So, I walked around the corner in the direction pointed out and then saw it: "Hungry Jacks" followed by a sign pointing to the exit. Bloody hell!! Hungry Jacks is a fast food restaurant like Burger King. So they'd been saying "Down at Hungry Jacks". Oh wow, what a communication breakdown that was. At least it was a funny one. So now if I pass a Hungry Jacks on the side of the road I smile, roll my eyes at my silly miscomprehension, and realise that it kinda made my day.

I see humour in such wonderful places, almost every day - It's often my personal 'saviour'. Humour keeps my spirits up and comes in handy for when I'm facing an uncertain situation: air travel (eek!), family visits, financial pressure, job applications, health concerns. Anything that helps us to gain a kinder perspective of a scary situation, such as one we may have only little or even no control over, or strengthens our abililty to cope with unexpected challenges is a great resource, one I personally cherish.

1 comment:

  1. I'm reminded of a sign a saw once that had some letters missing. The store was advertising the fact that they were " pen undays"...


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